Known as coronary heart disease is the leading killer of both men and women in the United States each year, this is due to the build up of plaque in the arteries which supply both oxygen and blood to the heart.
There are several uncontrollable risk factors which come from this site:
age-risk increases with age
gender-men are at a higher risk than women
genes-relatives with heart disease increases your likelihood
race-some races have a higher risk factor, African Americans, Mexican Americans, American Indians, Hawaiians, and Asian Americans
In this video Dr. Dahlman explains the symptoms of heart disease. The chart illustrates how cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of people in the US followed by malignant neoplasms also known as cancer. It is important to take care of your health so if you have heart issues it is important to talk with your doctor, and even if you do not have heart problems it is still important to talk to your doctor before beginning any sort of exercise routine.
There are many ways that people talk about when they are discussing the topic of smoking. Smoking is something that is known to cause lung cancer and heart disease. Cigaretts can be addictive after just one and many children who grow up with parents or other role models who smoke may develop the same health issues as those who smoke. This site goes into detail about how second hand smoke can harm children By making sure that certtain areas are smoke free you can make sure that your children are away from harming smoke inhilation. Such steps include: do not allow smoking in your car, make sure your child's day-care is smoke free, and quit smoking.
Many people would love to kick the habit of smoking this website gives some great tips on how to stop smoking. On the site it mentions designing your individual plan to better your success and gives questions that you can ask yourself while you are trying to quit smoking. This site also goes over the S.T.A.R.T. method. Set a quit date, tell family and friends, anticipate and plan for challenges, remove cigarettes and tobacco from the home, talk with your doctor. By following these steps you can be sure that you will be able to be in the best possible position to quit smoking for good.
There are inspiring videos on and other sites that might give you the motivation that you need to begin this process.This video claims to be the one video that will want to make you stop smoking. It gives a more indepth look at the possible side effects, while the video below gives information in a way that is more upbeat and better for younger people. These two videos discuss what might happen if a person continues their destructive pattern of smoking.
Breast cancer is a disease that one in every eight woman will experience at one point in their lives. There are many ways that people raise awareness for this disease such as walks and bake sales. This site offers a comprehensive look at breast cancer and is the leading site for the disease,, this shows a better way of understanding all of the possible symptoms that one can experience if they develop the disease.The universal color for this disease is pink and a pink ribbon is the most common symbol for awareness of this disease.
Every race has a different rate of breast cancer incidents. This chart illustrates that white and black women are more likely to contract the disease than those who are Hispanic. The death rate also does change based on ethnicity and race, while white women are slightly more likely to contract the disease black women are more likely to die from breast cancer. This chart shows the amount of women who have and die from breast cancer per 100,000 people. According to the chart 120 out of every 100,000 people contract breast cancer in their lives.
This video goes over the stages of breast cancer that can occur. Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 and Stage 4. With a much more in depth look of how different stages of breast cancer look and how each stage has various sub-stages and criteria. When a person is told that they have the disease they are also told what stage they have as well and knowing the stage is just as important as knowing the disease it self. It is important to do a monthly self evaluation of your breasts, see a doctor if there are any changes, and get a mammogram at least once a year after you reach age forty. Another video, linked here, will talk about how to better evaluate your breasts yourself and what changes to lookout for if you are concerned about your risk. It is best to contact your doctor if you believe that anything could possibly be wrong and to keep up the monthly self exams.
While there is a vaccine and the disease was declared eliminated in 2000, the measles there are still over a hundred thousand cases a year worldwide to this disease mainly young children under the age of five. According to the average amount of people in the US that have measles is 60 but in 2011 the number of cases was 222 people. According to this study 40% of those who contracted the disease did so in other countries and brought it back to the US causing breakouts in 17 communities throughout the US.
Measles was first discovered around the 7th century AD and was considered much more deadly and feared than smallpox. It was a disease that most people contracted once in their lifetime, approximately four million cases a year. There were epidemic cycles every few years and most of the country (90%) had the disease before they were fifteen. When the vaccine became available in 1963 the cases dropped almost completely.
On the history of vaccine's website it shows the incredible drop in cases of this disease in the United States after the vacine was discover in 1963. This shows the dramatic change that can occur if vaccines are distributed to those who are able to recieve them. However while the number of cases have been steadily decreasing over the past few decades there was a small resurgency of the disease in 2008.
This video from CBS news talks about the importance of getting a vaccine for any disease that can be deadly, especially for such illnesses as measles. By not vaccinating children they are put at risk for deadly consequences, many do not vaccinate due to the possibility of autism which there has been no known link between the two. CNN also did a story on the increase in measles outbreaks as well. They mention that there is concern for those who have infants can not have the vaccine until they reach the age of one which could possibly kill the child.